Question: 1 / 50

When sending information that contains PHI, which method of communication should a Medical Administrative Assistant use?

Mailed letter

Using a mailed letter is the most secure method for transmitting Protected Health Information (PHI). This approach typically involves sending physical documents through a postal service, which allows for physical handling and secure delivery to a designated recipient. Mailed letters can also be securely packaged and sent via certified mail, ensuring that the documents are received by the appropriate person and providing an added level of accountability and tracking. In contrast, email and text messages can expose PHI to potential interception, accidental forwarding, or unauthorized access if not properly encrypted. While phone calls can be secure if conducted in a private setting, they do not provide a lasting written record of the conversation. The nature of mailed letters, with their controlled access and tangible format, makes them a more reliable choice for conveying sensitive health information while adhering to privacy regulations.


Text message

Phone call


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